This brings me to Apple's yet-to-be-announced wearable ("iWatch")! After a few weeks pretending that I had a wearable device on my wrist here are my predictions:
* Will Apple introduce this mythical device 9 September?
* Will Apple call it “iWatch”?
iThinkSo. Seems logical and it's better than “LG GD910 (limited edition)”.
* Will Apple release more than one model?
This space is wide open for both info/communication-centric AND health-centric wearables. I can see a “smart watch” model (that is to the iPhone as the iPad is to Mac), and one specifically for health. Both would have some cross-over functionality, but each would serve a different client/need at the “time”. I can't see myself slinging weights and sweatin’ to the oldies while wearing a $300 USD touchscreen device.

Confidence rating: 2/5 cipolle
* Will it have wifi/Bluetooth capability?
Yes to both. Not that we'll be surfing the web or listening to music wirelessly, but both radios are necessary for Continuity™/Handoff™ I believe that will be one of the key differentiators for the iWatch.
* Can Siri tell time and will her attitude be adjusted?
Yes and yes. Siri will come along for the ride and play a convenient role in how we interact with the device. And as far as her intonation goes, I hear no real improvement in iOS 8 betas. Looks like we'll still need to interact with a person to feel like we're interacting with, you know, a person.
* Will we be able to leave our wallets and phones at home and still buy stuff?
Apple is really good at thinking of consumer convenience and even better about how to best bring it to a mass audience. The current implementation of mobile payment at brick-and-mortars just ain't cuttin’ it. It's often just as much effort, or less, to swipe your credit card than it is to find a participating retailer, fish your mobile from your pocket, wake it, tap it on terminal, and enter a PIN.
Smart watches are all the rage right now, but no one has gotten it quite right yet (reminds of the state of mobile phones circa 2006): too big, too ugly, scattershot and half-baked features… I believe the La Grande Mela™ will again show the industry what consumers are wanting to buy:
* a paradigm-defining device. Will this be 2006/2007 all over again? Will hundreds of people be cuing up for weeks singing and partying outside Apple Stores to buy one?
Leave your dancing shoes at home. The majority of people don't need or want a wearable device (unlike a phone)—yet. But will Apple again provide a paint-by-numbers template that every other company will readily color in?
Leave your dancing shoes at home. The majority of people don't need or want a wearable device (unlike a phone)—yet. But will Apple again provide a paint-by-numbers template that every other company will readily color in?
* a wrist-wearable device with a pointed set of features—not a jack-of-all-trades. Each feature should be related to one another and “just make sense”. I can't see emailing on a wearable device when you've already have a better option with you (phone).—you won't email your boss that report she's been asking for, but you will text your buddies to meet them at the bar after work.
Confidence rating: 4/5 cipolle
* a vivid, sharp, color, durable touchscreen with battery life of more than 24 hours with moderate use. You won't be streaming Netflix on this so expect it to last a full day before you wirelessly recharge it. That is, until Facebook release its iWatch app.
* seamless, behind-the-scenes compatibility and sharing with their other iOS devices and Macs. With Handoff™ and Continuity™ expect this to be a given and expect the capabilities of all of your Apple products to benefit from having an iWatch around.
* an elegant, thoughtful, innovatively-designed, quality jewelry piece that can stand on it's own merit. Apple just doesn't do “brutto”. Well, except for that iMac puck mouse... Don't be surprised if they've done something novel like house some of the electronics in the band in an effort make it as thin as possible.
In addition to what consumers know they want, Apple always gives what they don't yet know they want. I think they won't disappoint this time, either:
* Faster access, no physical keys
Hands-free door-unlocking of doors, elevator access—even one day starting your vehicle. TouchID would make this type of interaction even faster and more secure, but TouchID sensor technology is not yet advanced-enough to embed in the display. Maybe iWatch 2016?
* Automatic personal home environment.
Imagine this: approaching your home and the garage door opens, your front door unlocks and your lights and music come on automatically. Siri would then grab a cold beer and open it for you—if she had a better attitude.
* A simple, instant-on remote control for your smart appliances. TV, music, lights, temperature—all controlled with a similarly-designed UI. Optionally, it will turn off devices after it's sensed that you've fallen asleep.
So, there you have it—my predictions for Apple's first-gen wearable device to be introduced Tuesday. I'm sure that I'll be in for a few surprises, but let's see how close I come to hitting the target! Cosa ne pensate?
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Nice to read your post. I hope to hear from you soon. I like the way you bite the apple :-) Salvatore
RispondiEliminaI Agree. And That TITLE!! It's really smart, and so Funny!!
EliminaCosì gentile—grazie a voi!
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