ORA QUESTO PROBLEMA E' STATO SUPERATO, grazie all'aggiunta del supporto per esportazione in formati xls per Excel e ppt per powerpoint. Non solo, in questo aggiornamento ci sono molte funzioni in più, e su Keynote si sono aggiunte nuove transizioni e piacevolissime animazioni tra cui scegliere per rendere ancor più interessanti le nostre presentazioni. L'aggiornamento è gratuito, se avete già installato nel vostro iPad le Applicazioni Pages, Numbers o Keynote, ognuna delle quali, acquistata la prima volta costa 7,99 €.
Ecco tutti i dettagli di questo aggiornamento:
Pages for iPad
What’s New In Version 1.2
- Copy documents between Pages and your MobileMe iDisk or a WebDAV service.
- Option to display the word count for your document.
- Support for opening .txt files from Mail.
- Ability to group and ungroup objects.
- Import and export existing footnotes, endnotes, sections and tables of contents.
- Import and export Pages ’09 tables with image background fills in cells.
- Improved export of tables with customized borders.
- Improved font matching when importing a Pages or Microsoft Word document.
- Improved creation and editing of hyperlinks.
- Improved text options for tables including font, size and color settings for individual cells.
- Improved usability and reliability when sharing documents via iWork.com public beta.
- Improved reliability when importing documents with large images.
- Improved reliability when importing and exporting documents with overlapping objects.
- Improved handling of fonts when exporting documents to Microsoft Word.
- Improved reliability and performance when importing Microsoft Word documents.
Numbers for iPad
What’s New In Version 1.2
- Export spreadsheets to Microsoft Excel (.XLS) format.
- Copy spreadsheets between Numbers and your MobileMe iDisk or a WebDAV service.
- Ability to group and ungroup objects.
- Open CSV files from Mail and other apps.
- Import and export Numbers ’09 tables with image background fills in cells.
- Improved export of tables with customized borders.
- Improved font matching when importing Numbers ’09 or Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.
- Improved creation and editing of hyperlinks in text boxes.
- Improved text options for tables including font, size and color settings for individual cells.
- Improved usability and reliability when sharing spreadsheets with iWork.com public beta.
- Improved reliability when importing spreadsheets with large images.
- Improved reliability when importing and exporting spreadsheets with overlapping objects.
- Improved reliability and performance when importing Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.
Keynote for iPad
What’s New In Version 1.2
- Export presentations to Microsoft PowerPoint (.PPT) format.
- Copy presentations between Keynote and your MobileMe iDisk or a WebDAV service.
- Support for audio in builds when importing Keynote ’09 presentations.
- Ability to group and ungroup objects.
- Add animated builds to grouped objects.
- Lens Flare, Spin and Wipe build animations.
- Revolving Door, Swoosh and Wipe slide transition animations.
- Improved slide size conversion when importing Keynote ’09 presentations.
- Import and export Keynote ’09 tables with image background fills in cells.
- Improved export of tables with customized borders.
- Improved font matching when importing Keynote ’09 or Microsoft PowerPoint presentations.
- Improved creation and editing of web hyperlinks.
- Improved text options for tables including font, size and color settings for individual cells.
- Improved usability and reliability when sharing presentations with iWork.com public beta.
- Improved reliability when importing presentations with large images.
- Improved reliability when importing and exporting presentations with overlapping objects.
- Improved reliability and performance when importing Microsoft PowerPoint presentations.
Via | 9to5mac
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