
Apple aggiorna iWork per iPad, ampliando funzioni e compatibilità con Office!

Con questo nuovo aggiornamento delle applicazioni interne ad iWork (Pages, Numbers e Keynote) possiamo ritenere l'iPad davvero un dispositivo COMPLETO per creare i nostri documenti di lavoro, fogli di calcolo, presentazioni con uno stile estetico di livello più alto al "classico" PowerPoint di Microsoft office. Prima di questo aggiornamento si presentava qualche problema di compatibilità tra un documento creato in iPad e l'esportazione eventuale da rendere compatibile con chi ha solo gli applicativi Microsoft Office sul computer.
ORA QUESTO PROBLEMA E' STATO SUPERATO, grazie all'aggiunta del supporto per esportazione in formati xls per Excel e ppt per powerpoint. Non solo, in questo aggiornamento ci sono molte funzioni in più, e su Keynote si sono aggiunte nuove transizioni e piacevolissime animazioni tra cui scegliere per rendere ancor più interessanti le nostre presentazioni. L'aggiornamento è gratuito, se avete già installato nel vostro iPad le Applicazioni Pages, Numbers o Keynote, ognuna delle quali, acquistata la prima volta costa 7,99 €.

Ecco tutti i dettagli di questo aggiornamento:
Pages for iPad

What’s New In Version 1.2
- Copy documents between Pages and your MobileMe iDisk or a WebDAV service.
- Option to display the word count for your document.
- Support for opening .txt files from Mail.
- Ability to group and ungroup objects.
- Import and export existing footnotes, endnotes, sections and tables of contents.
- Import and export Pages ’09 tables with image background fills in cells.
- Improved export of tables with customized borders.
- Improved font matching when importing a Pages or Microsoft Word document.
- Improved creation and editing of hyperlinks.
- Improved text options for tables including font, size and color settings for individual cells.
- Improved usability and reliability when sharing documents via public beta.
- Improved reliability when importing documents with large images.
- Improved reliability when importing and exporting documents with overlapping objects.
- Improved handling of fonts when exporting documents to Microsoft Word.
- Improved reliability and performance when importing Microsoft Word documents.

Numbers for iPad

What’s New In Version 1.2
- Export spreadsheets to Microsoft Excel (.XLS) format.
- Copy spreadsheets between Numbers and your MobileMe iDisk or a WebDAV service.
- Ability to group and ungroup objects.
- Open CSV files from Mail and other apps.
- Import and export Numbers ’09 tables with image background fills in cells.
- Improved export of tables with customized borders.
- Improved font matching when importing Numbers ’09 or Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.
- Improved creation and editing of hyperlinks in text boxes.
- Improved text options for tables including font, size and color settings for individual cells.
- Improved usability and reliability when sharing spreadsheets with public beta.
- Improved reliability when importing spreadsheets with large images.
- Improved reliability when importing and exporting spreadsheets with overlapping objects.
- Improved reliability and performance when importing Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.

Keynote for iPad

What’s New In Version 1.2
- Export presentations to Microsoft PowerPoint (.PPT) format.
- Copy presentations between Keynote and your MobileMe iDisk or a WebDAV service.
- Support for audio in builds when importing Keynote ’09 presentations.
- Ability to group and ungroup objects.
- Add animated builds to grouped objects.
- Lens Flare, Spin and Wipe build animations.
- Revolving Door, Swoosh and Wipe slide transition animations.
- Improved slide size conversion when importing Keynote ’09 presentations.
- Import and export Keynote ’09 tables with image background fills in cells.
- Improved export of tables with customized borders.
- Improved font matching when importing Keynote ’09 or Microsoft PowerPoint presentations.
- Improved creation and editing of web hyperlinks.
- Improved text options for tables including font, size and color settings for individual cells.
- Improved usability and reliability when sharing presentations with public beta.
- Improved reliability when importing presentations with large images.
- Improved reliability when importing and exporting presentations with overlapping objects.
- Improved reliability and performance when importing Microsoft PowerPoint presentations.

Via | 9to5mac

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